A few weeks ago we went to a birthday party at a jumping castle place. It was so much fun, even for Alex and I. I think Emma may be having her next party there. I love the idea of no cleanup!!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
I know it has been awhile...
A few weeks ago we went to a birthday party at a jumping castle place. It was so much fun, even for Alex and I. I think Emma may be having her next party there. I love the idea of no cleanup!!
Posted by Alex and Melissa at 12:35 PM 4 comments
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Weekend in Phoenix
This past weekend I made a long anticipated trip to Phoenix to meet my newest nephew (and may I say he is one of the cutest babies ever). He has come all the way from Guatemala to join our family and I have been waiting for over a year to squeeze those chubby cheeks. I had such a wonderful visit just hanging with baby Alex and Alicia. Of course it was a very short trip so I had to try and get all the hugs in I could. I miss everyone so much already. Hopefully Christmas will come fast.
On Saturday morning Gina surprised me with a day at the Spa. We went to one at the Chandler Mall (I forget the name) and got one hour massages and then we got spa manicures and pedicures. It was so what we needed. We got to totally relax and catch up with each other. We have decided we need to do that ALOT more often. Do I have the best sister-in-law in the world or what???? Love ya Gina!!!! After the spa is was off to the mall to do some shopping.
There is another new member of the family and his name is Aiden Bennett. He is a little over two months old and so perfect. We had a family get together over at Aunt Lori's, and of course the little ones were the star attraction. These kids are going to be spoiled in this family. It was so great to see everyone, it has been a long time.
Posted by Alex and Melissa at 7:47 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
A very busy week full of great memories
We just had a small get together with the family. We cooked the usual, hamburgs and hotdogs and had some yummy icecream cake for dessert.
Saying goodbye to Mrs. Kirk. Emma had a great first and second day but by the third day she didn't want to go anymore. It was heart wrenching to leave her at school crying. When I asked her that night why she didn't like school she said "it was to much work." Oh boy, we may be in for a long 18 years. She has been doing great this week...we shall see.
Posted by Alex and Melissa at 8:36 PM 6 comments
Oh Canada
Posted by Alex and Melissa at 3:10 PM 2 comments
Thursday, August 7, 2008
This and That
I thought I would just post a couple pictures from what has been going on lately. A few weeks ago Brandon was in a swim meet. It was pretty cool, school's from all over came and camped out at the pool. It was quite the event. He did really well.
A few days after that the family went to the community pool to cool down.
Emma had a play date with two of her friends from dance. They had a lot of fun. Hopefully she will get at least one of her friends in her kindergarten class.
Last weekend we went to the Lake with Kaitlyn. The kids had a blast. They surprised me by swimming in the water because there was icky seaweed in some places, it didn't faze them. Jacpb mostly cleaned the drift wood up and chased the geese.
The last picture is of a bear, it is hard to make out but the glowing dot is his eye and you can see the outline of his body if you look close. This bear has been getting into our garbage almost every night. At first it was pretty awesome to see a bear in the front yard...now it is just a huge pain in the butt. One night he ran with one of our garbage bags in his mouth and we had to hike down a hill to clean it all up in the morning. Alex put a vice grip on the can to keep it closed, so far it is working.
Anyways sorry this blog is a little choppy but I just wanted to get a couple pictures up. Hope everyone is doing well.
Posted by Alex and Melissa at 1:28 PM 7 comments