Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Beautiful Lake Tahoe

A couple weeks ago the kids had a week off school so my mom and I took the kids to Lake Tahoe.
It was snowing when we got there which the kids just thought was so cool. Unfortuanatly Jacob got sick the day we got there with a fever and cough, so I didn't get to ski. Emma went to ski school and loved it! We were able to watch her and she did so good. There was a couple times she was down and I didn't know if she was going to get back up but she figured it out.
The last day we were there Jacob started feeling better however I woke up with the worst case of pinkeye ever. I tried to ski, but it was awful, I could hardly keep my eyes open.

Just a couple days ago Alex and I went back without the kids. We went with our friends Joel and Lisa and her little boy Grant. I was much more relaxed this time. The boys skied two full days. One day was enough for me, I enjoyed playing roulette while the others skied the second day.
We had alot of fun. It is nice being so close. I hope our kids love to ski as much as their dad. We had Brandon with us and he did so well. He is really good, he even went on a black and didn't even fall. We want to get back up there with the kids at least one more time this season.